Author: Alan Shazan

  • New Jersey Welcomes Motion Seats to Movie Theater

    D-BOX Technologies, the makers of the motion seat, have recently announced that an East Brunswick movie theater will be the first in NJ to install the motion seats which move in sync with the action which is being visualized. The Mega Movie Theater on route 18 will have 26 of the seats available starting Friday,…

  • Verizon’s 4G to Be Switched On

    Verizon Wireless has announced that the 4G LTE wireless network will be available for use this coming Sunday. The network will come in especially handy for smartphone and tablet computer users who use the internet for more than just their email. The new service offers faster, smoother internet access, from email to Facebook to downloading…

  • Sirius XM Signed With Howard Stern

    The feisty radio host Howard Stern has come to an agreement with Sirius XM radio to continue to jockey for them until December 31st, 2015. Known to many as the ‘shock-jock,’ Stern has been known to swear while on the air and often discusses subjects with decidedly adult content. He has been forced to pay…

  • Cabrillo College Begins Construction of Green Technology Center

    Community representatives and leaders gathered at Green technology Center of Watsonville, California, to celebrate the beginning of the construction of the college’s newest facility, the Green Technology Center. The center is “designed to prepare students for industrial jobs, initially in green construction and energy management.” The center has a $6 million budget. The Green technology…

  • What Does it Mean to Be a Facebook Friend? (Part III)

    Teachers are proceeding with caution when it comes to becoming Facebook friends with their students. Although some analysts believe that teachers should get involved in the world of social media, they should be very hesitant to use these sites to communicate with their students. Because the social media interactions are highly personal having a Facebook…

  • See More Media Genetically Modifying Trees?

    An American organization called the Institute of Forest Biotechnology has started a great number of discussions regarding genetically modified trees. By altering the trees’ DNA patterns, people will be able to create trees that are stronger, more fruitful, and more resistant to diseases, insects and changes in climate. Members of the organization believe that the…

  • New Technology May Lower Avalanche Risks

    Avalanches are especially deadly, and can occur with no warning. Researchers from the University of Calgary are digging into the snowpack to discover more about the cause of the slides. Dr. Bruce Jamieson, a researcher for Avalanche Risk Control, described an especially dangerous type of avalanche; “An entire plate of snow- it could be a…

  • Facebook Challenges Past Relationship Configurations (Part II)

    Should students and their teachers become Facebook friends? This is an interesting issue which brings to question many assumptions about the role that teachers play in the lives of their students, which is worth exploring. Not so long ago teachers were authority figures who demanded respect, if not awe, for their superior knowledge and place…

  • NASA Successfully Launches New Solar Sail

    A folded solar sail was ejected from a small NASA satellite on Monday, demonstrating a significant success in NASA’s attempts to develop and install solar-sail technology. The ejected device is called NanoSail-D, and is approximately the size of a loaf of bread. It was launched by a FASTSAT satellite. The 100-square foot sail attached to…

  • Social Media Creates New Issues for Student/Teacher Relations (Part I)

    The incredible revolution caused by the computer and the internet is raising issues of what are appropriate and not appropriate behaviors on-line. For instance, Facebook has recently exploded with users, and those on Facebook are being forced to makes social choices which will determine what acceptable social media behavior will be in the future. This…