Cool New Kitchen Gadgets

prep-pad-food-scaleWhen it comes to gadgets for the home, the new kitchen ones are always exciting for those who spend hours preparing food.  With the Prep Pad Food Scale designed by The Orange Chef, health and home merge together as the true nutritional density of foods are revealed.

The user sets up a profile with their biometric data (activity level, weight and height), then with the iOS app countertop, a suggested USDA-based nutrition profile emerges, based on the individual’s specifications.

There are approximately 250,000 different food items the scale recognizes which facilitates one knowing whether or not they should consume that next piece of dark chocolate or not.  It’s a great way to keep tabs on one’s diet, and keep on track.

Retailing at $149.95 it’s not an inexpensive gadget.  But as the product’s motto says, “eating better has never been easier” and for those who want to make healthy eating a priority, expense just shouldn’t play such a huge factor.