While smarter living has in the past referred to using more gadgets for daily living, some experts are indicating that 2015 might be a break from that. There could be a move toward a more simple life, and thus there will be a forsaking of gadgets and technology. It has been termed the ‘neo-Luddite’ era.
This is based on reports which indicate a decreased enthusiasm of social media sites and enforced by Hotwire’s latest annual Digital Trends Report that noted:
“While there are many early adopters out there scrambling around to get their hands on the latest smartwatch or iPhone, there are a group of much cooler kids working out ways to kill tech altogether.”
The question is, why is this happening? A few reasons have been offered: increasing irritation with pop up advertisements (with ad blocking gaining momentum), a concern about increasing addiction (see the noPhone Kickstarter campaign), a desire for more real life communication, the now-trendy appeal of announcing one is no longer on Facebook (which these days makes them look cool), etc. All of these issues have resulted in an anti-tech digital trend.
However, what is not changing digitally is its use for fitness. For example, HealthKit and Google Fit are becoming increasingly popular. What this and the above data suggests is that people are looking to become healthier so are ditching their technologically-based life. However, when gadgets are there to help this goal, they will be more open to welcoming them.