Parental-Child Bonding with Electronics

computerIn theory we might idealize the notion of our kids playing outside in the dirt, collecting desert tortoises and taking their little brothers to the park until dark, but in practice, the reality is kids these days engage in a lot of screen time. Therefore, the trick is to maximize that time to make it as educational and positive as possible.

With that in mind, Kano – the “computer and coding kit for all” – gives kids the opportunity to put together a computer from the beginning and then learn basic coding skills. Even adults can benefit from this; anyone who is anyone knows how important a skill like coding is, especially in today’s job market.  Plus, it’s a great way for kids to bond with their parents. Featuring a Raspberry Pi, case, cables, Wi-Fi dongle, speaker and wireless cables, kids will love this for its similarity for building Lego pieces and parents will get a kick out of learning such a useful skill for their office together with their offspring.

And then there is an old toy that has been reinvented; the  View-Master Virtual Reality Starter Pack .  Based on the View-Master that was first commercialized in Oregon back in the late 1930s that our parents and grandparents will remember, today, Mattel has joined up with Google to make a virtual reality version of it.  In other words, users can now also interact with the virtual reality world, as well as benefit from traditional, old-school enjoyment.  And, the good news is, it only retails at $29.99 – probably not that much more (in today’s money) that it was back in those days!  Pair it with your smartphone and enjoy an old childhood toy with your kid but in his language!

So gadgets and gizmos are not all bad for kids; they can provide some great bonding experience!