WikiLeaks Annoys White House with Release of Sensitive Documents

The White House is one of many government bodies decidedly not pleased with the goals of the new WikiLeaks Website. Although so far the revelations of the documents seem to be far from the classified variety, nevertheless the White house and others are worried that, “when the substance of private conversations is printed on the front pages of newspapers across the world, it can deeply impact not only U.S. foreign policy interests, but those of our allies and friends around the world.”

In one document the President of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai is described as being “driven by paranoia.” Also mentioned is the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who, according to some government official is “rarely creative.”

Not exactly the stuff of spy movies or plots to rule the world, yet the sensitive nature of some international relationships can be decided, some fear, by some off-color remark or insult directed at some overly sensitive world leader. In an additional criticism of the whistle-blowing website by the White House, it was stated that, “WikiLeaks has put at risk not only the cause of human rights but also the lives and work of [these] individuals. We condemn in the strongest terms unauthorized disclosure of classified documents and sensitive national security information.”